Classroom acoustics: panel, treatment and insulation

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Classroom acoustics: panel, treatment and insulation

Category: Acoustic Tutorial, Professional

Acoustics has become increasingly important in recent years. However, research has been carried out on this subject for many years. This is particularly the case for the acoustics of a classroom. We will see in this article :

  • The importance of the acoustic correction of a classroom
  • What is a safe acoustic treatment?
  • The type of correction and acoustic panels to be used in this context
  • The type of services we offer

The importance of acoustics for a classroom and the school

Since the 1990s, various studies have been conducted on the subject of acoustic treatment. Some are specific to health issues, and others are specific to concentration and performance. Let’s take a look at these studies.

For the health of teachers and students

An association, the JNA, carries out an annual barometer on the impact of noise at work. Here are some conclusions:

  • 70% of employees are reported to experience headaches and sleep disturbances
  • One out of two working people complains of fatigue, weariness and irritability in their daily life outside of work time due to noise and noise pollution during working hours
  • The consequences: hearing fatigue, sleep disorders and increased stress

These consequences apply to students and school staff.

For the concentration and performance

Noise also affects concentration and performance. Researchers such as Banbury, Berry and Gonzalez have studied the subject. Here is some information on this work:

  • Cognitive performance can drop by 66% when exposed to background noise
  • It takes 20 minutes to re-focus after a sound interruption
  • 63% of students have difficulty following conversations because of noise

Noise is therefore a significant factor in improving concentration and performance.

Acoustic Level and Acoustic Regulation of a Classroom

We have already discussed the subject of acoustic regulation in another tutorial. Please read it to get an idea of how many decibels a classroom can emit and what the law says.

Safe Acoustic Panels

Most acoustic panels on the market are made of controversial materials such as glass wool or rock wool. Please be aware that these materials have been classified as “carcinogenic”. Studies have even shown that they are more dangerous than asbestos. Nevertheless, these materials are strangely classified as “A+” in terms of VOC emissions. This means that they would not be hazardous to air quality. Since some large companies use them massively, lobbying is most likely the answer to this question.

Aware of the risks to human health, we have therefore developed various laminates that only use materials that are not the subject of any such controversy. In addition, our Mutum ECO range includes products assembled using 100% recycled and recyclable materials. We therefore offer acoustic products with the lowest environmental impact on the market.

We thus use materials and techniques such as :

  • Recycled sheep wool
  • Recycled textile
  • Solvent-free printing
  • Recycled cardboard
  • Antibacterial fabric

The type of correction and acoustic panels to be used for a school

It all depends on the room in question. As explained in our tutorial on how to reduce noise in a room, the acoustics are influenced by different elements:

  • The size of the room
  • Its shape
  • The number of people present
  • The building materials delimiting the room
  • The furniture in the room

Thus, each room will require a specific acoustic study in order to determine the optimal treatment to be carried out in order to achieve the desired objective.

In the acoustic treatment of a classroom, voice frequencies will be the most important to be treated. Indeed, they are the ones that are disturbing for this type of environment.

Depending on the room, 3 types of treatment are possible:

  1. An acoustic treatment of the ceiling
  2. A wall acoustic treatment
  3. Acoustic objects

An acoustic performance with sound level meter for class and school

Acoustics being a relatively complex science, we accompany you on your project according to different formats of acoustic services. In particular, we offer :

  1. Acoustic advice: with a standard study including the evolution of the reverberation time according to all the elements of the room to be treated.
  2. Acoustic studies of ray tracing: with 3D modeling and virtual study of the room with its sound evolution.
  3. Acoustic measurements: with the intervention of a technician and his acoustic equipment (sound level meter, microphones, …) on site.